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PAC Contribution Program

Each year the Willows PAC depends on your generous contributions to enhance the learning experiences and environment for our children and build our school community. We appreciate that your time is valuable, and have
heard from parents that an annual contribution drive is preferable to running numerous fundraising events (calendars, chocolates, bake sales...). Thank you for considering a contribution to our school community that aligns with your family's financial situation. We also recognize that not all families are in the position to make monetary donations.


How do I donate?​


To receive an automatic tax receipt, go to SD61 Give Online and select 'Willows Elementary-PAC' as the Fund Destination.


Where does your money go?

  • to supporting student learning by funding field trips, bus transportation and library purchases

  • to helping teachers with funds to spend on their classrooms

  • to enhancing our children's experience with funds for clubs, music

  • to encouraging activity through the purchase of outside sports equipment: replacement balls, skipping ropes

  • to celebrating and thanking Willows staff with appreciation events and gifts

  • to funding school community events such as Meet the Teacher Night treats, coffee mornings,

  • to empowering parents through parent education nights

  • to building our school through long term capital investments, such as the picnic tables, gym sound system, audio aids in each classroom, the Gr 4/5 playground.


© Willows PAC 2023

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